19th International Symposium on Computer Architecture
and High Performance Computing

SBAC-PAD 2007 Awards

Click here to see the awards results of the conference.


The SBAC-PAD Conference Program is available. Print version available here.

SBAC-PAD 2007 Workshops

Click here to get the workshops that will happen during the conference.

Parallel Programming:

You can check the updated rules and awards of the Marathon and the already started Open Contest. In order to submit your proposal for the Open Contest, click here.

Featured Photo:


Previous Editions:

Click here for previous editions of SBAC-PAD and to access their conference proceedings.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Application-specific Architectures
  • Benchmarking, Performance Measurements and Analysis
  • Cache and Memory Architectures
  • Embedded Systems
  • Fault-Tolerant Architectures and Systems
  • Grid, Cluster, and Peer-to-Peer Computing
  • High Performance Applications and Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
  • Interconnection Networks, Routing, and Communication
  • Languages, Compilers and Tools for Parallel and Distributed Programming
  • Load Balancing and Scheduling
  • Microarchitecture
  • Operating Systems and Virtualization
  • Parallel and Distributed Architectures
  • Pervasive and Heterogeneous Computing
  • Real World Applications and Case Studies
  • Reconfigurable Systems
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