19th International Symposium on Computer Architecture
and High Performance Computing

SBAC-PAD 2007 Awards

Click here to see the awards results of the conference.


The SBAC-PAD Conference Program is available. Print version available here.

SBAC-PAD 2007 Workshops

Click here to get the workshops that will happen during the conference.

Parallel Programming:

You can check the updated rules and awards of the Marathon and the already started Open Contest. In order to submit your proposal for the Open Contest, click here.

Featured Photo:


Previous Editions:

Click here for previous editions of SBAC-PAD and to access their conference proceedings.


The registration fees for SBAC-PAD 2007 are now available. Please, read all the following instructions before proceeding to the registration process. Please, give special attention if you are an author, even student author.

Grants: Members of Brazilian Education and Research Institutions can apply for a grant. If this is your situation, click here in order to follow the registration.

General Notes

The registration fees (Full Member, Full Non-Member, Student Member, Student Non-Member) include participation in all sessions, posters and exhibits, coffee breaks, conference proceedings in paperback and workshop proceedings. The Special Fee includes only the attendance to the events sessions, and is limited and offered only to undergraduate students with a valid student ID.

Member number(s) for IEEE and SBC are required for the respective fees. A copy of a student photo ID for the current year and IEEE or SBC Student Membership Number must be presented when checking in at the symposium registration.

Registration Fees

Update (October 9, 2007): The Special Fee category is now closed because we achieved the expected amount of registrations in this category. Students can still register by using one of the students category.

CategoryUntil September.25
Until October.02
After September.25
After October.02
Full MemberUS$ 280,00US$ 350,00
Full Non-MemberUS$ 350,00US$ 450,00
Student MemberUS$ 120,00US$ 160,00
Student Non-MemberUS$ 150,00US$ 200,00
Special FeeUS$ 60,00US$ 70,00

Advance registration fees must be received before 11:59 PM, Brazilian Standard Time (GMT -03:00), 25 September 2007 02 October 2007 (Extended Deadline). On site fees will apply after that time and date. Regular fees must be received before 11:59 PM, Brazilian Standard Time (GMT -03:00), 17 October 2007. The conference dinner ticket will be sold by US$ 40,00.

Terms of Payment

Payment must be made by credit card (VISA only), through the registration website. In the authorization form generated by the registration, please enter your credit card number, expiry date and cardholder's name and sign it properly. After this, you have to sent the authorization form to this fax number: +55 (51) 3308 7142. If you are not able to pay with VISA credit card, send an e-mail to sbac2007-l@inf.ufrgs.br for alternatives.

Visa Letters

Due to the revised IEEE CS visa request policies, invitation letters for the purpose of visa applications (see visa information here) will only be provided after registration and payment confirmation. For an invitation letter for visa purpose, fill out the form available here.

Related Registration Links

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