- New Electronic Registration Deadline - October 17th, 2005
- Program is available - September 22th, 2005
- Another Hotel Option - September 20th, 2005
- Know the Invited Speakers - August 25th, 2005
- Camera-ready deadline was extended - June 22th, 2005
- Registration deadline was extended - June 22th, 2005
- Registration form is available - June 19th, 2005
- List of accepted papers - June 18th, 2005
- Paper submission is closed - June 7th, 2005
- Changes in paper submission - June 1st, 2005
- Due to many requests the deadline was extended to June, 2nd - May 31, 2005
- Deadline was extended to May, 30 - May 13, 2005
- Download Call for Papers - March 28, 2005
- Submissions are being accepted - March 07, 2005
- The Reservation desk is opened
- March 02, 2005
- Registration Fees - February 15, 2005