
Accepted Papers

At least one of the authors of each paper should register until july, 27th

Session 1: Parallel and Distributed Algorithm, Routing and Communication

  • Towards Grid Implementations of Metaheuristics for Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problems
    A. Araújo, S. Urrutia (PUC/RJ), C. Boeres, V. Rebello, C. Ribeiro (Instituto de Computação, UFF)
  • Scheduling Collective Communications on Wormhole Fat Cubes
    V. Dvorak (Brno University of Technology, FIT)
  • A New Multi-Processor Architecture for Parallel Lazy Cyclic Reference Counting
    R. Lins (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)

Session 2: Application-specific Architectures and Reconfigurable Systems

  • Reconfigurable Optical Interconnection System Supporting Concurrent Application-Specific Parallel Computing
    S. Agelis and M. Jonsson (Halmstad University, Sweden)
  • High-Performance and Area-Efficient Reduction Circuits on FPGAs
    L. Zhuo and V. K. Prasanna (University of Southern California)
  • Extending the ArchC Language for Automatic Generation of Assemblers
    A. Baldassin, P. Centoducatte, S. Rigo (Unicamp)

Session 3: Grid, Cluster, Pervasive, and Heterogeneous Computing I

  • Managing the Execution of Large Scale MPI Applications on Computational Grids
    A. P. Nascimento, A. C. Sena, J. A. Silva, D. A. C. Vianna, C. Boeres, V. E. F. Rebello (Instituto de Computação, UFF)
  • A Scalable Dissemination Service for the ISAM Architecture
    M. Moraes, L. Silva, A. Schaeffer Filho, C. Geyer (UFRGS), A. Yamin (UCPel), I. Augustin (UFSM),
  • Remote Data Service Installation on a Grid-enabled Java Platform
    E. Blanco, Y. Cardinale, C. Figueira, E. Hernandez (Universidad Simon Bolivar), R. Rivas, M. Rukoz (Universidad Central de Venezuela)

Session 4: Languages, Compilers, and Tools

  • Automatic Data-Flow Graph Generation of MPI Programms
    R. E. Silva, G. Pezzi, N. Maillard, T. Diverio (UFRGS)
  • Function Outlining and Partial Inlining
    P. Zhao and J. Amaral (University of Alberta)
  • A Flexible Specification Model based on XML for Parallel Applications
    C. Enomoto (Unicamp), M. A. A. Henriques (FEEC - UNICAMP)

Session 5: Processor Microarchitectures

  • Branch Prediction Topologies for SMT Architectures
    G. Dal Pizzol (UFRGS), P. O. A. Navaux (UFRGS), M. Pilla (UCPel)
  • Reusing Traces in a Dynamic Conditional Execution Architecture
    T. G. S. do Santos, S. Bampi, P. O. A. Navaux(UFRGS), R. dos Santos (UNISC), M. Nemirovsky (Concentry Networks)
  • Cooperation of Neighboring PEs in Clustered Architectures
    Y. Sato, K. Suzuki, T. Nakamura (Tohoku University)

Session 6: Grid, Cluster, Pervasive, and Heterogeneous Computing II

  • Physical and Virtual Partitioning in OLAP Database Clusters
    C. Furtado (COPPE/UFRJ), A. A. B. Lima (UFRJ), E. Pacitti (Univ. Nantes, Lina/INRIA), P. Valduriez (INRIA), M. Mattoso (COPPE/UFRJ)
  • A new parallel environment for interactive simulations implementing safe multithreading with MPI
    E. R. Rodrigues, A. J. Preto, S. Stephany (INPE)
  • Anthill: A Scalable Run-Time Environment for Data Mining Applications
    R. A. ferreira, W. Meira Jr., D. Guedes(UFMG), L. Drumond (IC-UFF)

Session 7: Operating Systems

  • Improving Machine Virtualization with Hotplug Memory
    S. S. Pinter, Y. Aridor (IBM, Haifa Research Lab.), S. Shultz (IBM, Linux/zVM Development, Endicott), S. Guenender (IBM, Haifa Research Lab.)
  • Asynchronous Communication in Java over Infiniband and DECK
    R. R. Righi, M. C. Cera, P. O. A. Navaux (UFRGS), M. Pasin (UFSM)
  • A Time Petri Net-Based Approach for Software Synthesis Considering Dispatcher Overheads
    R. Barreto, E. Tavares, P. Maciel, M Neves, M. Olioveira Jr., L. Amorim, A. Bessa, and R. Lima (Federal University of Pernambuco)

Session 8: Processor and Cache Memory Architectures, Benchmarking & Performance Analysis

  • Analyzing and Improving Clustering Based Sampling for Microprocessor
    Y. Luo, A. Joshi, A. Phansalkar, L. John, and J. Ghosh (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Data cache prefetching design space exploration for BlueGene/L supercomputer
    J. R. Brunheroto, V. Salapura, F. Redígolo, D. Hoenicke, A. Gara(IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
  • Chained In-Order / Out-of-Order DoubleCore Architecture
    M. Pericas, A. Cristal, R. González, D. Jimenez, and M. Valero(Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

Session 9: Fault Tolerant Systems

  • VRM: A Failure-Aware Grid Resource Management System
    L. Burchard (Technische Universitaet Berlin), C. A. F. De Rose (PUCRS), H-U. Heiss, B. Linnert, J. Schneider (Technische Universitaet Berlin)
  • Portable checkpointing and communication for BSP applications on dynamic heterogeneous Grid environments
    R. Y. Camargo, F. Kon, A. Goldman (USP)

Session 10: Load balancing

  • A Time Optimization Algorithm for Scheduling Bag-of-Task Applications in Proportional Share Systems
    A. Sulistio and R. Buyya (University of Melbourne)
  • Converting Space Shared Resources into Intermittent Resources for use in Bag-of-Tasks Grids
    L. B. Costa, W. Cirne, and D. Fireman (UFCG - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande)
  • Critical Path and Priority based Algorithms for Scheduling Workflows with Parameter Sweep Tasks on Global Grids
    T. Ma and R. Buyya (University of Melbourne)