Branch Prediction Topologies for SMT
ArchitecturesG. Dal Pizzol (UFRGS), P. O. A. Navaux (UFRGS), M. Pilla
Reusing Traces in a Dynamic Conditional
Execution ArchitectureT. G. S. do Santos, S. Bampi, P. O. A. Navaux(UFRGS), R. dos
Santos (UNISC), M. Nemirovsky (Concentry Networks)
Cooperation of Neighboring PEs in
Clustered ArchitecturesY. Sato, K. Suzuki, T. Nakamura (Tohoku University)
Coffee Break
09:15 11:00
Session 6:
Grid, Cluster, Pervasive, and Heterogeneous Computing II
Physical and Virtual Partitioning in
OLAP Database ClustersC. Furtado (COPPE/UFRJ), A. A. B. Lima (UFRJ), E. Pacitti
(Univ. Nantes, Lina/INRIA), P. Valduriez (INRIA), M. Mattoso (COPPE/UFRJ)
A new parallel environment for
interactive simulations implementing safe multithreading with MPIE. R. Rodrigues, A. J. Preto, S. Stephany (INPE)
Anthill: A Scalable Run-Time
Environment for Data Mining ApplicationsR. A. ferreira, W. Meira Jr., D. Guedes(UFMG), L. Drumond
11:00 12:00
Invited Talk 3:
High Performance Computing in Science
and Engieeering by Peter W. Haas, HLRS at University of Stuttgart, Germany
Additional Material
13:30 14:45
Session 7:
Operating Systems
Improving Machine Virtualization with
Hotplug MemoryS. S. Pinter, Y. Aridor (IBM, Haifa Research Lab.), S. Shultz
(IBM, Linux/zVM Development, Endicott), S. Guenender (IBM, Haifa Research Lab.)
Asynchronous Communication in Java over
Infiniband and DECKR. R. Righi, M. C. Cera, P. O. A. Navaux (UFRGS), M. Pasin
A Time Petri Net-Based Approach for
Software Synthesis Considering Dispatcher Overheads
R. Barreto, E. Tavares, P. Maciel, M Neves, M. Olioveira Jr.,
L. Amorim, A. Bessa, and R. Lima (Federal University of Pernambuco)
14:45 15:45
Sponsored Talk 3:
High Performance Computing at
PETROBRAS by Luiz Monnerat (Petrobras)
Analyzing and Improving Clustering
Based Sampling for MicroprocessorY. Luo, A. Joshi, A. Phansalkar, L. John, and J. Ghosh
(University of Texas at Austin)
Data cache prefetching design space
exploration for BlueGene/L supercomputerJ. R. Brunheroto, V. Salapura, F. Redígolo, D. Hoenicke, A.
Gara(IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
Chained In-Order / Out-of-Order
DoubleCore ArchitectureM. Pericas, A. Cristal, R. González, D. Jimenez, and M. Valero
(Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
17:15 18:15
Sponsored Talk 4:
The Evolution of the Blue Gene/L
Supercomputer by José E. Moreira (IBM)