Industrial Talks

Sponsored by SDC

Title: Ecossistema, desafios e incógnitas.

Speaker: Guilherme Friol

Abstract: O papel do cientistas de dados e a importância da qualidade da informação no desenvolvimento da IA. Dimensionamento de hardware e implementação: A decisão pelo investimento e por onde começar.

Sponsored by Mellanox

Title: “InfiniBand In-Network Computing Technology and Roadmap”

Speaker: Gilad Shainer

Abstract: In-Network Computing transforms the data center interconnect to become a “distributed CPU”, and “distributed memory”, enables to overcome performance barriers and to enable faster and more scalable data analysis. HDR 200G InfiniBand In-Network Computing technology includes several elements - Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP), smart Tag Matching and rendezvoused protocol, and more. These technologies are in use at some of the recent large scale supercomputers around the world, including the top TOP500 platforms. The session will discuss the InfiniBand In-Network Computing technology and performance results, as well as view to future roadmap.

Sponsored by OpenPOWER

Title: OpenPOWER ADG and AI

Speaker: Ganesan Narayanasamy

Abstract: Ganesan Narayanasamy will talk about various activities around OpenPOWER Academia and Research group as part of OpenPOWER Foundation and several case studies using PowerAI. He will also talk about the Massive super computerfrom two National labs in USA.

Sponsored by DELL

Title: Dell EMC HPC Solutions: Making innovation real with the convergence of HPC and AI

Speaker: Joaquim Merino

Abstract: História, filosofia e infraestrutura que fazem da Dell Technologies a primeira empresa de tecnologia a levar HPC de forma descomplicada e acessível para tudo e para todos. Adicional caso de sucesso TOP 5, projeto FRONTERA.