CSBC 2012
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VI e-Science Workshop

Over the past decades, scientists have experienced a revolution in the way science and engineering has been conducted. Specially, computation became an established third brand of science alongside theory and experiment. Scientists now need to access and exploit computational resources and databases that are geographically distributed through the use of high speed networks. In order to address the next generation of scientific problems, multidisciplinary and distributed teams of scientists need to collaborate to make progress on these new challenges.

The definition, execution and management of scientific experiments can no longer be developed in an ad-hoc manner. Several national and international initiatives around the world have been proposed to carry out research and innovation activities in the scope of e-Science. In Brazil, the topic of e-science or cyber infrastructure is part of the “Grand Challenges in Computer Science Research in Brazil (2006-2016)” report from the Brazilian Computer Society. In this context, current advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing, Databases, Software Engineering and many other computer science areas can empower scientists while conducting their experiments.

The VI e-Science workshop serves as a forum to present, discuss and establish new partnerships among scientists that participate in research and tool developments, and highlights related activities from the Brazilian and international communities. The main goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers into all aspects of e-Science. The first three versions of the event were co-located with Brazilian Symposium on Databases and Software Engineering (SBBD/SBES), and showed that there is an interesting audience on the theme. New projects have taken place, based on partnerships on the database and software engineering area. The fourth and fifth editions of the workshop were organized in cooperation with the organization of the CSBC (Brazilian Computer Science Society Conference). In addition, in the fifth edition, audience observed an increase of interest in the event, especially from Bioinformatics and Astronomy communities.

According to the evolution that we have observed in previous editions, the sixth edition of e-Science Workshop is organized in three tracks. Two of them correspond to specific target areas of Science, namely, Bioinformatics and Astronomy. We expect that the interaction of Computer Science community with researchers from these target areas will strengthen the relationship the communities. Moreover, this approach allows the identification of demands on computing infrastructure from the point of view of these target areas. Finally, the third track focuses specifically on computing, which has been a traditional concern in previous editions of the workshop.

The e-Sciente workshop will happen between the 16th and 17th of July 2012, and the corresponding dates for all tracks are presented bellow.

See the full program

Topics of Interest

The topics of interest of the workshop include (but are not limited to):

Main Track

Bioinformatics Track

Astronomy Track

Keynote speakers

Anastasia Ailamaki

Anastasia Ailamaki
The invited keynote speaker for the main track of VI e-Science workshop is Dr. Anastasia Ailamaki from DIAS. She will deliver her conference on July 17.

Anastasia Ailamaki


Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Title: Scientific Data Management: Not your everyday transaction

Abstract: Today's scientific processes heavily depend on fast and accurate analysis of experimental data. Scientists are routinely overwhelmed by the effort needed to manage the volumes of data produced either by observing phenomena or by sophisticated simulations. As database systems have proven inefficient, inadequate, or insufficient to meet the needs of scientific applications, the scientific community typically uses special-purpose legacy software. When compared to a general-purpose DBMS, however, application-specific systems require more resources to maintain, and in order to achieve acceptable performance they often sacrifice data independence and hinder the reuse of knowledge. With the exponential growth of dataset sizes, data management technology are no longer luxury; they are the sole solution for scientific applications. In this talk, I will discuss some of the work from teams around the world and the requirements of their applications, as well as how these translate to challenges for the data management community. Finally I will present some of the data management challenges that lie ahead in domain sciences.


Aristóteles Góes-Neto

Aristóteles Góes-Neto
The invited keynote speaker of the Bioinformatics track of the VI e-Science workshop is Prof. Aristóteles Góes-Neto from Laboratório de Pesquisa em Microbiologia (LAPEM), Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS) and Visiting Researcher of CEBio – Center for Excellence in Bioinformatics (FIOCRUZ-MG). He will deliver his conference on July, 16 2012.

Prof. Dr. Aristóteles Góes-Neto

Research Lab in Microbiology (LAPEM), UEFS (BA)

Center for Excellence in Bioinformatics (FIOCRUZ-MG).

Title: Synthetic Biology

Abstract: Synthetic Biology is an interdisciplinary knowledge field encompassing complex biological systems design from pre-existing or new biological components for several technological applications. In this seminar, I will discuss the basic principles, main theoretical and experimental tools and the interrelationships of Synthetic Biology with Computer Science, more specifically Microelectronics, and Bioinformatics.


David Schade

David Schade
The invited keynote speaker for the Astronomy track of the VI e-Science workshop is Dr. David Schade, the Group Leader of the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC). He will deliver his conference on July, 16 2012

Prof. Dr. David Schade

Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC)

Title: Big Data, the Virtual Observatory, and Cloud Computing

Abstract: Astronomy shares many of the same challenges with other fields of research. Big data; Complex, inhomogeneous, and distributed data; Rising costs and the exhaustion of physical capacity for computing hardware. Big data is a blessing because it represents an increase in the power of the scientific process. But it is a curse because it taxes the ability of existing systems for data storage, processing, and transport. The ambitious goal of the Virtual Observatory movement is to provide scientists with an integrated view of complex and distributed data and services. The problem of capacity can be solved through the use of high-performance computing (or grid) infrastructure configured as a cloud. These problems will be discussed from the point of view of astronomy with emphasis on the work of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance and the Canadian Advanced Network for Astronomical Research.

Submission Guidelines

The workshop accepts submissions of full papers, short papers, and abstracts. Papers and abstracts should be written in either English or Portuguese. They need to be formatted in PDF according to the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) paper format. Each manuscript must be submitted electronically, via the JEMS conference system.

All submissions will be reviewed according to the following criteria: adequacy to workshop scope, relevance, technical quality, originality and clarity. Papers describing preliminary work and ongoing research are also eligible. Both full papers and short papers must present related work. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed according to the recommendations of the committee.

Important Dates

* Only manuscripts with at least one coauthor registered in the event will be included in the final program and published in the CSBC proceedings.

Special Issue for Concurrency and Computation

This issue is by invitation only to selected papers from VIth eScience Workshop 2012 (only for main track).
The editors of the special issue are Fabio Porto and Eduardo Ogasawara.
Please submit paper to Manuscript Central as eScience special issue by September 30, 2012.
Notification of Acceptance/Reviewer comments will be given by November 30, 2012.
Final Papers due 30th January 2013.
Electronic Publication: four months after all final papers submitted.
There is a 18-20 page length limit (12 point single space inclusive of figures and tables)
Wiley has Latex templates but no special templates for Word; most papers are submitted in Word. Either Latex OR Word accepted.



Steering Commitee

Program Commitee

Alberto Krone-Martins - Univ. Lisboa X 
Alcione Oliveira - UFVX X
Alexandre Plastino - UFFXXX
Ana Maria de Carvalho Moura - LNCC/RJX  
Antônio Tadeu Azevedo Gomes - LNCC/RJXX 
Bruno Schulze - LNCC/RJX X
Claudia Monteiro-Vitorello - ESALQ/USPX X
Claudia Bauzer Medeiros - IC-UNICAMPX  
Duncan Ruiz - PUC-RSXXX
Esther Pacitti - INRIA & LIRMMX  
Fabio Andre Porto - LNCCXXX
Fernanda Baiao - UNIRIOX  
Fernanda Campos - UFJFX X
Francois Artiguenave - CEAX  
Gabriel Fernandes - UCB  X
Gilberto Z. Pastorello - Univ. of AlbertaX  
Helena Cristina Gama Leitão - UFFX X
João Carlos Setubal - USP  X
João Eduardo Ferreira - IME/USPX X
Jonice Oliveira - DCC/IM/UFRJXXX
José Antonio Macêdo - UFCX  
Kary Ocaña - COPPE/UFRJ  X
Laurent Dardenne - LNCC/RJ X 
Leonardo Murta - UFFX  
Luciano Digiampietri - USPX X
Marcio Maia - ON X 
Marcos Gonçalves -UFMGXXX
Maria Claudia Cavalcanti - IMEX X
Maria Cristina de Oliveira - USPX  
Maria Luiza Machado Campos - UFRJX  
Marisa Nicolás - LNCC  X
Marta Mattoso - COPPE/UFRJX  
Michael Stanton - RNP & UFFXX 
Nelson Ebecken - COPPE/UFRJX  
Priscila Goliatt - UFJF  X
Regina Braga - UFJFX  
Reinaldo de Carvalho - INPE X 
Ricardo Ogando - ON X 
Ricardo Torres - UnicampX  
Roney Coimbra - FIOCRUZ  X
Sandra Fabbri - UFSCarX  
Sergio Lifschitz - PUC-RioX  
Sergio Manuel Serra da Cruz - UFFRJXXX
Vanessa Braganholo - UFFX  
Vania Vidal - UFCX  
Wagner Meira Jr. - UFMGX X

Workshop Chairs

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