A Characterization of Portuguese Tweets Regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic
A Sentiment Analysis of Brazilian Elections Tweets
Accelerating learning of route choices with C2I: a preliminary investigation
Acidentes de trabalho no Brasil: uma análise descritiva
An Experimental Analysis of Model Compression Techniques for Object Detection
Automated classification of cardiology diagnoses in textual medical reports
Brazilian Presidential Elections: Analyzing Voting Patterns in Time and Space Using a Simple Data Science Pipeline
Clinical risk factors of ICU & fatal COVID-19 cases in Brazil
Clustered Echo State Networks for Signal Observation and Frequency Filtering
Combining compact news representations generated using DistilBERT and topological features to classify fake news
CONLL Dependency Parser: Extrinsic Evaluation through the Open Information Extraction task
Doclass: opensource software to support document labeling and classification
Evaluating an Aspect Extraction Method for Opinion Mining in the Portuguese Language
Evaluation of the Usefulness of Explanations of Post-hoc Interpretability for Malaria Detection
Experimenting split-and-rephrasing sentences using part-of-speech labels
Extreme Events Characterization on Time Series
Forecasting future corn and soybean prices: an analysis of the use of textual information to enrich time series.
From audio to information: Learning topics from audio transcripts
Impact of Unusual Features in Credit Scoring Problem
Improving automatic data extraction from financial statements with clustering analysis
Inducing selfish agents towards social efficient solutions
Learning Probabilistic Sentential Decision Diagrams by Sampling
Machine Learning to Assist in Pneumonia Decision Making: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Prediction of Environmental Conditions for MaritimeNavigation using a Network of Sensors:A Practical Application of Graph Neural
Quarenteners vs. Cloroquiners: a framework to analyze the effect of political polarization on social distance stances
Spending Segmentation and Outlier Detection in Brazilian Elections
Statistical analysis of small twitter data collection to identify dengue outbreaks
Towards ideal time window for classifying motor imagery in brain-computer interfaces
Transfer learning for Twitter sentiment analysis: Choosing an effective source dataset