CSBC 2012
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SEMISH - XXXIX Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware

O SEMISH, principal fórum científico do Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC), está em sua trigésima nona edição e ocorrerá em Curitiba de 16 a 19 de julho, juntamente com o XXXII CSBC.

Este ano temos interesse particular em computação ubíqua, compreendendo estudos e soluções para serviços e infraestruturas convergentes, cloud computing, virtualização e mobilidade. Como nos anos anteriores, o SEMISH também tem especial interesse em artigos relacionados aos Grandes Desafios da Pesquisa em Computação elencados pela Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC).

Convidamos a comunidade a compartilhar experiências através da submissão de artigos completos, em português ou inglês, que apresentem soluções e o estado-da-arte, assim como discutam direções de pesquisa futura.

Formato dos trabalhos

As artigos devem ter no máximo doze páginas (incluindo referências, figuras e tabelas). O formato dos artigos deve seguir o estilo dos artigos da SBC.

A submissão dos artigos será eletrônica, em formato PDF, através do sistema JEMS de submissões de artigos da SBC. Os autores devem atestar que o artigo não foi publicado anteriormente nem foi aceito ou está em processo de avaliação simultânea por qualquer outro meio de divulgação científica.

Os autores dos artigos selecionados e apresentados no SEMISH serão convidados a submeter versões estendidas dos respetivos artigos para que sejam considerados em publicação em periódico (a ser definido).


Professor Gianfranco Ciardo - University of California at Riverside.

Sumário: Correctness, performance, and dependability evaluation has always been essential to the design and maintenance of computer systems. Accordingly, techniques and tools to carry out such studies have a long and successful history, with many conferences dedicated to them. Recent computer industry trends, though, are stressing our analysis capabilities: software applications ranging from multi-player online games to e-commerce, from factory automation to vehicular on-board diagnostic, engine control, and entertainment systems, are now highly distributed; on the hardware side, almost all workstations, laptops, tablets, and high-end phones us emulti-core processors.
The analysis of distributed or parallel systems is much harder than for the sequential system that preceded them, as they have larger state spaces and many problems that plague them are due to subtle, hard-to-reproduce, and rare behaviors. In this talk, we describe how decision-diagram-based techniques, initially proposed for VLSI verification, provide some hope to tackle large state spaces, as well as the means to analyze their logical, timing, and probabilistic properties in a unified framework.

Prof. Ciardo

Biografia resumida: Gianfranco Ciardo is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, Riverside.
Previously, he has been on the faculty at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, a Visiting Professor at the University of Torino, Italy, and at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, and has held research positions at HP Labs (Palo Alto, California), ICASE (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia), Software Productivity Consortium (Herndon, Virginia), and CSELT (Torino, Italy).
He received a Laurea from the University of Torino, Italy, and a PhD from Duke University. He has been on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and is on the editorial board of Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency.
He is interested in algorithms and tools for logic and stochastic analysis of discrete-state models, symbolic model checking, performance and reliability evaluation of complex hardware/software systems, Petri nets, and Markov models.

Howard Cribbs - EMC Corporation, Hopkinton, MA, USA.

Sumário: "The Cloud" – it's out there and we have to deliver on its promises. The business and its executives have heard the hype and are eager to see its results and impact on the bottom line. We have a lot to live up to.
The adoption of the cloud for the enterprise is not as simple as buying a solution; it's a revolutionary new way of buying, building and consuming IT resources. It takes the adoption of a full blown transformation initiative to increase the level of maturity of processes and organization in concert with solution providers to garner the expected results. Everyone can be somewhat successful with point solution approaches, but will these ultimately aid or hinder your progression to an enterprise cloud ecosystem? Taking a few initial fundamental steps will reap great rewards!
Are we there yet? In the real world – if you are 'there', you are probably not where you think you are and maybe your head is in the clouds.

Biografia Resumida:Howard Cribbs has spent 24 years in the IT industry as a transformational executive by leading with innovation management and developing financial transparency models. Most recently, as vice president and Chief Information Officer, he led strategic initiatives to create a business-focused vision by developing a hybrid cloud model and evolving his IT staff roles to transform with the business. Over the years he has enjoyed success in several verticals: insurance, energy, telecom, software development and the US Army. He has faced many of the same staffing, budgeting and tough decisions that are pervasive across the IT industry. His objectives in each role were to align technology with business, create reproducible success, and put a successor in place so he could transition to the next challenge. Finally, in late 2010, Howard decided to find a place where he could focus on helping with the multi-faceted challenges facing numerous businesses today. Having been a long time customer and believing in the strategic roadmap, Howard joined EMC as Chief Technology Officer of the Mountain Plains area. Since that time he has been assisting customers with their business challenges and offering perspectives on the current and future vision of information technology. When not focused on the everyday demands of process and progress, Howard enjoys time sailing with his wife and four kids.


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Comitê do Programa

Altigran Soares da Silva - UFAM
André Ponce de Leon F de Carvalho - ICMC-USP
Artur Ziviani - LNCC
Augusto Sampaio - UFPE
Celso Ribeiro - UFF
Clodoveu Davis - UFMG
Eduardo Figueiredo - UFMG
Eduardo Tavares - UFPE
Fabio Protti - UFF
Flavio Wagner - UFRGS
Francisco Vieira - UFPI
Geraldo Robson Mateus - UFMG
Glêdson Elias da Silveira - UFPB
Heloisa Camargo - UFSCar
Itana Maria de Souza Gimenes - UEM
Judith Kelner - UFPE
Leila Ribeiro - UFRGS
Lucia Drummond - UFF
Luciana Nedel - UFRGS
Marcel Oliveira - UFRN
Marcelo Finger - USP
Marius Strum - USP
Nelson Rosa - UFPE
Norian Marranghello - UNESP
Renata Galante - UFRGS
Renato Tinós - FFCLRP-USP
Ricardo Massa - UFPE
Ricardo Salgueiro - UFS
Ricardo Torres - UNICAMP
Rivalino Matias- UFU
Sérgio Galdino - UPE
Siang Song- USP
Vanessa Braganholo - UFF
Virgílio Almeida - UFMG


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